Vernon, Connecticut
Home Respiratory And DME Supplies
Insurance Accepted!

Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC)
We carry the latest technology for Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC). Contact us today to learn more.

CPAP/BiPAP Supplies

CPAP & Sleep Therapy

Oxygen Therapy
Why You Should Clean Your PAP Machine
Wellness Now presented by MedCaire!
Reviews Are In!

Med-Caire, Inc.
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Latest Articles And References

Helpful Websites For Various Health Conditions
The Internet is a great source of information for you to use in managing your healthcare or the healthcare of a loved one. It can

Tips For Traveling With Oxygen
Just because you use oxygen doesn’t mean that you can’t travel. It does mean, however, that you have to plan ahead. Changes in time zones

Do You Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
Do You Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea? Do family members tell you that you snore? If so, it may be possible that you are suffering from

Medicare Coverage for Specific Types of Home Medical Equipment
Bi-Level Devices/Respiratory Assist Devices** For a respiratory assist device to be covered, the treating physician or healthcare provider must fully document in your medical record

Medical Equipment Supplier Meets Medicare Supplier Standards
Below is a summary of the standards Medicare requires of home medical equipment suppliers. As an approved Medicare supplier, our company meets or exceeds all

A Complete Guide To Medicare
Who qualifies for Medicare benefits? Individuals 65 years of age or older Individuals under 65 with permanent kidney failure (beginning three months after dialysis begins),

Spina Bifida
OVERVIEW AND FACTS Spina Bifida is broader term for a birth defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close before birth. Spina bifida includes any

Traumatic Brain Injury
OVERVIEW AND FACTS Traumatic brain injury (TBI), a form of acquired brain injury, occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. TBI can result

Spinal Cord Injury
A spinal cord injury usually begins with a sudden, traumatic blow to the spine that fractures or dislocates vertebrae.